At ParkU we were working in small team on one of the very first parking app solutions in Europe. After enlarging our parking space inventory and feature set we had managed to let user easier find parking spaces with certain features, primarily by using filtering and our map screen. A lot of those new parking spaces brought more complexity, with different rates depending on time and length of the booking. That meant, some parking spaces could theoretically be paid ongoing without a change of the hourly price, while others required the user to pick the duration of their stay in advance. Additionally we had created first concepts including on street parking options wich would add additional complexity soon.
This project is about how we solved the complexity we had build up by focusing on the different scenarios that a user finds themself in when looking for a parking space.
Based on the research we did with our users we decided to completely rethink our flows beginning with the scenario. We divided primarily between scenarios where users where booking in advance and where users needed a place to park in the next few minutes. What worked best was to focus on the right now scenario where the user had the least time to spend. We decided to show on street options first and once they move the map display the different markers for the other parking spaces close to them and highlighting locations available now on the map.
After a long conceptional and wireframe phase, we overhauled our android and iOS applications in a matter of weeks to represent the new flows and then improving details in smaller iterations. I loved keeping track of the flows on one of our office walls using printed screenshots because it was a great way to plan, track and communicate changes in this hot phase to the whole team and also structure the progress of my own work.
The user feedback on our new flows indicated that our changes where working, and besides smaller features and fixes we could focus on maturing the visual appearance and brand changes, wich would be a story for another portfolio entry.
At ParkU I worked at everything as the sole product designer. From user testing and concepting new features with wireframes, mockups and iconsdesign for the app, up to newsletter and website assets and printed marketing material like flyers, rollups, booths, shirts and even a few car prints. But I think this was my most favorite project at parkU, with a great impact for the app and brand.
The complexity and size was very challenging, but the way we organized our progress on our flow chart wall was great and I always had the feeling that I can give everyone a objective focused and goal driven insight to the current progress and challenges.
If you you want to talk about new challenges, or if you simply have a question or want to say hello, I would love hear from you. Go ahead send me a message:
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